Acoso laboral entre trabajadores y su falta de regulación en el artículo 172 del Código de Trabajo

AutorDaniel Steven Mosquera Garay, Karelys del Rocio Albornoz Parra
CargoIndependent Legal Researcher/Independent Legal Researcher
Mosquera, D.; Albornoz, K. Work harassment between workers
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
Work harassment between workers and its lack of
regulation in article 172 of the Labor Code
Acoso laboral entre trabajadores y su falta de
regulación en el artículo 172 del Código de Trabajo
Daniel Steven Mosquera Garay
Independent Legal Researcher
City: Guayaquil
Country: Ecuador
Karelys del Rocio Albornoz Parra
Independent Legal Researcher
City: Guayaquil
Country: Ecuador
Original article (analysis)
RFJ, No. 11, 2022, pp. 65 - 96, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: The main goal of this article is to expand the
definition of harassment between workers and its types from
the perspective of labor law, studying the different doctrines
that support the legal figures in question, to understand
more precisely the, we proceed to expose the background
and evolution throughout the history of harassment between
workers and how this has not been incorporated doctrinally
within the regulatory standard. The problem arises since Ecuador
lacks the exercise of action toward the worker to confront labor
harassment among peers. The different modalities of the labor
harassment that affect and affect the worker will be described
in the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador, which composes the necessity
to visualize the increase of the labor harassment on the lack of
exercise of action that does not have the harassed one where
the lack of a procedure of approval is questioned to prevent and
to diminish the labor harassment between workers.
DOI 10.26807/rfj.v11i11.317
Mosquera, D.; Albornoz, K. Work harassment between workers
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
KEYWORDS: Worker, work, harassment, risk prevention,
labor law.
RESUMEN: El presente artículo tiene como meta principal po-
der ampliar la definición de acoso laboral entre trabajadores y
sus tipos bajo la perspectiva del Derecho laboral, estudiando las
diferentes doctrinas que sustenten las figuras jurídicas en men-
ción, para poder entender con mayor precisión las antes men-
cionadas procedemos a exponer los antecedentes y la evolución
a lo largo de la historia del acoso laboral entre trabajadores y
como esta no ha sido incorporada de forma doctrinaria den-
tro de la norma regulatoria. La problemática surge debido a que
Ecuador carece del ejercicio de acción hacia el trabajador para
enfrentar el acoso laboral entre pares. Se describirá las diferen-
tes modalidades del acoso laboral que inciden y que afectan al
trabajador, por el amento del acoso laboral en la ciudad de Gua-
yaquil, Ecuador, La cual compone la necesidad de visualizar el
aumento del acoso laboral sobre la falta de ejercicio de acción
que no la tiene el acosado donde se cuestiona la falta de un pro-
cedimiento de visto bueno para prevenir y disminuir el acoso
laboral entre trabajadores.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Trabajador, trabajo, acoso, prevención de
riesgos, derecho laboral.
JEL CODE: J01, J16.
The emergence of the regulation of harassment
originated in the eighties and has been in force since 2017 in
our Labour Code, however, its incorporation was very rapid
without taking into consideration a clear definition of each of
the types of harassment at work that favors the worker.
This research has three sections, the first of which
deals with the approach, formulation of the problem,
Mosquera, D.; Albornoz, K. Work harassment between workers
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
systematisation, objectives, justification, hypotheses, and
variables. Furthermore, it will analyse workplace bullying, its
theoretical bases, foundations, and background, which will
serve as a contribution to the objectives of the research, through
scientific studies and referential bibliography.
When addressing the issue of mobbing in Ecuador,
it should be mentioned that over time and up to the present
day, workers have faced different social complications, being
susceptible to numerous changes, threats, and intimidation,
which affect them in one way or another (Cordero, 2016).
Workplace bullying is as old as work itself; it is one
of the most worrying psychosocial risks because its
symptoms do not disappear even when exposure has
ceased for a long time. (Rodriguez, 2013, n. p.)
The scholar Brodsky (2019), a pioneer in the study of
the problem of workplace bullying, states:
He is the first author to refer to the harassed worker,
in a study prompted by the enactment of a new law
on working conditions in Sweden in the same year.
His book focused on the hardship of the rank-and-file
worker’s life in the context of work-related accidents,
physical exhaustion, excessive working hours,
monotonous tasks, and problems that are nowadays
addressed in stress research. (p. 7)
These working conditions were the main reason why
the worker felt exhausted, as there was no protection of his
rights, which led to the violation of his rights, and these errors
were understood to be the reason for the harassment of the
worker at work.

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