Change of labor occupation of the worker and its impact on the right to job stability

AutorYesenia Alexandra Ramos Granda
CargoUniversidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil - Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
Ramos, Y. Change of labor occupation of the worker
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.10 Diciembre 2021
Change of labor occupation of the worker and its
impact on the right to job stability
Cambio de ocupación laboral del trabajador y su
incidencia en el derecho a la estabilidad laboral
Yesenia Alexandra Ramos Granda
Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
City: Guayaquil
Country: Ecuador
Karelis Albornoz Parra
Universidad Laica Vicente Rocafuerte de Guayaquil
City: Guayaquil
Country: Ecuador
Original article (analysis)
RFJ, No. 10, 2021, pp. 388 - 423, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: The main objective of this article is to analyze
the incidence that the change of employment occupation
has on the full exercise of the right to stability guaranteed by
the Constitution, the International Treaties and the Labour
Code, carrying out this analysis by means of a bibliographic
and descriptive research, where the historical background
of the right to work was determined, as well as the elements
that make up the employment relationship, what makes up an
employment contract, the principles that support the rights
of workers, employment stability and its types, determining
the main causes or practices that violate this right, especially
the change of occupation. In this study, the incidences that
occur with this type of action taken by the employer against
the worker are analysed in a critical and doctrinaire manner,
taking the change of occupation as an untimely dismissal from
work. To achieve the objectives, a quantitative and qualitative
DOI: 10.26807/rfj.v10i10.354
Ramos, Y. Change of labor occupation of the worker
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.10 Diciembre 2021
study was carried out, using surveys and interviews with labour
lawyers and judges as data collection tools. The results show
that 84% of those surveyed consider that the right to stability
is violated by means of a change of occupation, contradicting
the mandate established in the Magna Carta, which is why it is
necessary to reform the Labour Code to protect the rights of
workers that are currently being undermined by employers
KEYWORDS: labour, rule of law, personnel management,
labour conflict, employment.
RESUMEN: Este artículo tiene como objetivo principal analizar
la incidencia que tiene el cambio de ocupación laboral sobre el
ejercicio pleno del Derecho a la estabilidad que está garantizada
al mismo en la Constitución, los Tratados Internacionales y el
Código de Trabajo, llevándose a cabo este análisis por medio de
la realización de una investigación bibliográfica y descriptiva,
donde se determinaron los antecedentes históricos del Derecho
al trabajo, también los elementos que conforman la relación
de trabajo, lo que conforma un contrato laboral, los principios
que sostienen los derechos de los trabajadores, la estabilidad
laboral y sus clases, determinándose las principales causas o
prácticas que vulneran este derecho, especialmente el cambio
de ocupación. En este estudio es analizado de manera crítica
y doctrinaria las incidencias que se producen con este tipo
de acciones realizadas por el empleador contra el trabajador,
tomándose el cambio de ocupación como un despido laboral
realizado de manera intempestiva. Para el logro de los objetivos
se desarrolla un estudio cuantitativo y cualitativo, aplicándose
como herramientas de recolección de datos las encuestas y las
entrevistas, realizados a abogados en materia laboral y jueces
del área, expulsando entre sus resultados que el 84% de los
encuestados consideran que, si es vulnerado el derecho a la
estabilidad por medio del cambio de ocupación, contradiciendo
el mandato establecido en la carta magna, por lo que es
Ramos, Y. Change of labor occupation of the worker
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.10 Diciembre 2021
necesaria la reforma del Código del trabajo a fin de precautelar
los derechos de los trabajadores que son menoscabados por
parte de los empleadores en la actualidad.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Trabajo, imperio de la ley, gestión de
personal, conflicto laboral, empleo.
JEL CODE: J28,J81.
It is important to note that article 192 of the Labour
Code determines that if the employer decides to change the
employee’s occupation by order of the employer, this will be
understood as an untimely dismissal. Through this type of action
by employers to change the employee’s occupation, dismissals
have increased in the country, and this type of policy not only
operates in the private sector, but also in public institutions,
despite the existence of certain measures that seek to limit this
type of action by employers, which so far are not sufficient.
Therefore, this research is developed due to the importance
of analysing and studying the problem in depth, such as the
incidence of labour stability, a right that must be guaranteed
and fully satisfied for all workers in Ecuador, without exception,
as this right has constitutional protection, in the various treaties
and norms that regulate labour relations.
Social law is the set of rules that govern the life of man in
society, within this compendium of rules are the conditions
and rights that are granted to people who are immersed in a
relationship of dependence, which must comply with the
fundamental elements for its determination, these are: provision
of service, subordination, remuneration and working hours.
This relationship is known as an employment relationship,
where both parties are guaranteed their rights according to
the Constitution and the Labour Code. The State is obliged

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