Evitabilidad del error de prohibición: dicotomía entre jurisprudencia española y la doctrina

AutorJorge Luis Chiriboga Estupiñán
CargoIndependent legal researcher
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Chiriboga, J. Avoidability of the prohibition error
Avoidability of the prohibition error: dichotomy
between Spanish jurisprudence and doctrine
Evitabilidad del error de prohibición: dicotomía entre
jurisprudencia española y la doctrina
Jorge Luis Chiriboga Estupiñán
Independent legal researcher
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Original article (research)
RFJ, No. 9, 2021, pp. 67-91, ISSN: 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: The doctrine approaches the avoidability of the
mistake of law or prohibition from markedly antagonistic
theories. From there, a broad spectrum of interpretations is
obtained by the judges when admitting this figure in a judicial
decision. Then, depending on each theory, the effects of the
mistake of law or prohibition can be different. It is also to be
considered the different criteria that that jurisprudence has
formed, especially in countries such as Germany and Spain.
These countries regularly apply the figure of the mistake of law
or prohibition, primarily in cultural conditioning cases, due to
the strong migratory phenomenon they have faced in recent
decades. Therefore, various criteria are set out and must be
considered for each particular case when defining the person’s
degree of guilt.
KEY WORDS: Criminal law, legal principle, conduct, law
enforcement, administration of justice.
RESUMEN: La evitabilidad o vencibilidad del error de
prohibición ha sido abordada por la doctrina desde teorías
marcadamente antagónicas; de allí se obtiene un amplio espectro
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi9.246
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Chiriboga, J. Avoidability of the prohibition error
de interpretaciones que realizan los juzgadores al momento
de admitir esta figura en una decisión judicial. Según cada
teoría los efectos del error de prohibición en un ser humano
pueden ser distintos y a ello se suma también los diferentes
criterios que la jurisprudencia ha ido formando, sobre todo
en países como en Alemania y España; los cuales aplican con
regularidad la figura del error de prohibición, esencialmente en
casos de condicionamiento cultural debido al fuerte fenómeno
migratorio que afronta en las últimas décadas. En este sentido,
se exponen diversos criterios que deben ser considerados
para cada caso en particular al momento de definir el grado de
culpabilidad en un proceso penal.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Derecho penal, principio jurídico,
conducta, aplicación de la ley, administración de justicia.
The theory of error is an essential issue at the dogmatic-
criminal level and in the criminal policy of each country. Due
to its incredible relevance over the last decades, it has been
a subject that has been widely studied by jurists of great
intellectual renown worldwide. However, today there are still
many questions about the theory of error that the doctrine has
not solved. As such, this article proposes to analyze one of the
most relevant edges of the prohibition error.
The main topic discussed in the following pages is the
expirability of the ban error. The lack of doctrinal development
on this specific point constitutes one of the obstacles that limit
the application of this figure to a greater extent. If the legal
operators had specific elements of analysis when deciding on
the degree of expirability of the error, it would undoubtedly
greatly facilitate the task of guaranteeing the legal certainty of
the persons who are part of a criminal process against them.
Likewise, this would also prevent jurisdictional activity from
falling into the immense abyss of excessive subjectivity and,
therefore, injustice.

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