La extensiva interpretación del tipo penal de tráfico de sustancias catalogadas sujetas a fiscalización: el caso N° 18282-2018-00726

AutorVicente Vásconez Merelo
CargoIndependent legal researcher
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Vasconez, V. The extensive interpretation of the criminal nature
The extensive interpretation of the criminal nature of
trafficking in scheduled substances subject to control:
The case N° 18282-2018-00726
La extensiva interpretación del tipo penal de tráfico de
sustancias catalogadas sujetas a fiscalización: el caso
N° 18282-2018-00726
Vicente Vásconez Merelo
Independent legal researcher
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Original article (research)
RFJ, No 8, 2020, pp. 483-526, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT:The author analyzing the penal type prescribed in
article 220 of the COIP, because he considers their interpretation
is extensive. To verify this assertion is necessary to evaluate
the international legal context for the illegal use of narcotic and
psychotropic substances, in line with the old Narcotics Law
that was invalidation until the enactment of the COIP in 2014.
Additionally, the paradigm shift has drawn up as a result of the
entry into force of the National Constitution of 2008, which
stops the consumer of prohibited substances as a criminal from
receiving treatment for victims. Finally, the author analyzes
to correctly interpret the aforementioned criminal type and
consequently proposes an interpretation criterion reflected
in the analysis of a judicial case that occurred in one of the
Ecuadorian courts, thus concluding that in the Ecuadorian
criminal legal system simple drug possession is atypical.
KEYWORDS: Criminal law, interpretation, crime, drug
trafficking, criminal sanction.
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi9.129
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Vasconez, V. The extensive interpretation of the criminal nature
RESUMEN: El autor se encarga de analizar con exhaustividad
el tipo penal prescrito en el artículo 220 del Código Orgánico
Integral Penal (COIP), pues a su forma de ver las cosas se lo
ha venido interpretando de forma extensiva. Para comprobar
esta aseveración, se evalúa el contexto jurídico internacional
referente al uso ilegal de sustancias estupefacientes y
psicotrópicas, en consonancia con la vieja Ley de estupefacientes
que estuvo vigente hasta la promulgación del COIP en el año
2014. Además, se resalta el cambio de paradigma trazado a raíz
de la entrada en vigencia de la Constitución Nacional de 2008,
en el que deja de verse al consumidor de sustancias prohibidas
como un delincuente para darle el tratamiento de víctima.
Finalmente, el autor hace un análisis dogmático para interpretar
correctamente el tipo penal aludido y consecuentemente
propone un criterio hermenéutico que luego lo plasma en el
análisis de un caso judicial acaecido en uno de los juzgados del
Ecuador, concluyendo así que en el ordenamiento jurídico-
penal ecuatoriano es atípica la tenencia simple de droga.
PALABRAS CLAVES: Derecho penal, interpretación, crimen,
tráfico de estupefacientes, sanción penal.
Since the entry into force of the National Constitution
of the Republic of Ecuador in 2008, the Legislative Branch
has been urged to adopt the infra-constitutional regulations
following the parameters established in the constitution and
international treaties. Then, the state of the question on the
criminalization of drugs was subject to a positive reassessment,
and this would be reflected in the publication of the Organic
Comprehensive Criminal Code (from now on, COIP) in 2014.
In this norm, a different treatment is given to the issue of drugs
concerning how it was done in the ancient Law of Narcotic and
Psychotropic Substances.
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Vasconez, V. The extensive interpretation of the criminal nature
Despite the paradigm shift in the COIP, at the
jurisdictional level, an erroneous and extensive interpretation
has been made of the type of illicit drug trafficking embodied
in art. 220, since individuals have been criminalized for the
sole possession of non-trafficking drugs when that conduct in
light of any interpretation turns out to be atypical. Therefore,
we would be facing a severe violation of human rights of
institutional origin.
In this sense and to give foundation to the assertion, in
the development of the work, the following will be analyzed:
constitutional norm and international conventions; Narcotic
and Psychotropic Substances Law as a legislative antecedent;
the COIP in its pertinent articles; a study will be carried out
from the light of the legal-criminal dogmatics on the criminal
type of illicit traffic of substances subject to the control of art.
220; Also, an executed condemnatory sentence will be analyzed,
which will confirm the proposed thesis; and, finally, advancing
the conclusion, the erroneous and unconstitutional judicial
interpretation of the type stated will be corroborated, which
will account for the enormous crisis in the administration of
criminal justice.
During 2007, as a result of the maximum expression
of the democratic will of a State, a Constituent Assembly was
installed in the Montecristi canton, and it was there that the
Constitution of the Republic of Ecuador (from now on CRE)
was signed, which would be published in 2008. Due to its
content, the constitution has been praised by the international
community on repeated occasions; prima facie it is coherent,
guarantor, inclusive and was also the first to endow nature
with an ecocentric vision. Therefore, we would say that we

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