Fifty Shades of Tolerance: Human Rights Argumentations concerning Family Models and Hate Speech
Autor | Lóránt Csink |
Cargo | Pázmány Péter Catholic University |
Páginas | 129-138 |
Lóránt Csink (2018). Fifty Shades of Tolerance: Human Rights Argumentations concerning Family
Models and Hate Speech, Iuris Dictio 22, 129-138.
ISSN 1390-6402 / e-ISSN 2528-7834.
Fifty Shades of Tolerance: Human Rights Argumentations
concerning Family Models and Hate Speech
Cincuenta Sombras de Tolerancia: Argumentos sobre Derechos Humanos
respecto de los Modelos de Familia y el Discurso de Odio
Pázmány Péter Catholic University
e protection of human rights is one of the main obligations a state has in order to fulll its
duties. erefore, the right of freedom of expression shall be protected, especially because it
relates directly to the defense of the democratic of a society. Although there are dierent points
of view regarding an issue, especially same-sex marriage, the state is obligated to stay neutral
towards public opinions. Consequently, public opinions might end up transforming into hate
speech which creates an even larger confrontation within people and the state. is is why,
the state must establish fair limits for human rights. Finally, it is essential to understand that
promoting tolerance is the most important aspect to safeguard the rights of people to freely
speak their minds in order to exercise their right of freedom of speech.
Freed om of expres sion/S ame-se x mar riage/ Hate s peech /Protec t mino ritie s
La protección de los derechos humanos es una de las principales obligaciones de un estado
para que pueda satisfacer sus deberes. Es por esto que el derecho a la libertad de expresion
debe ser protegido, especialmente porque se relaciona directamente con el amparo de la
sociedad democrática. Tomando en cuenta que hay diferentes puntos de vista sobre un asunto,
especialmente sobre el matrimonio de personas del mismo sexo, el estadp está obligado
a mantener una posición neutral. Por lo tanto, la opinión pública se puede transformar en
discursos de odio que generan aún mayor confrontación entre las personas y el estado. Es por
esto que el estado debe establecer los límites necesarios al ejercicio de los derechos humanos.
Finalmente, es esential entender que el promover la tolerancia es básico para salvaguardar el
derecho de las personas a expresarse libremente para que así puedan ejercer sus derechos.
Pala bras cla ve
Libertad de expresión/Matrimonio igualitario/Discurso de odio/Protección de minoría.
1. Introduction
“I do not agree with you on what you say but I ght for your right to say it”. Rumour has it that
the quotation is from Voltaire, however there is no clear evidence to it. Whoever the author was,
the sentence clearly highlights the dierence between accepting a point of view and tolerating
it. History is the mere battle of dierent ideologies and by now the original marketplace of
ideas, as John Stuart Mill considered, has turned to the battleield of ideas. In many aspects
mainstream ideas intend to defeat concurring ones; i.e. they want them to be excluded from
the marketplace.
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