La gobernanza del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social: ¿Hacia una reestructuración de su máximo órgano de gobierno?

AutorPatricia Elizabeth Borja Laverde
CargoIndependent legal researcher
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Borja, P. The governance of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute
The governance of the Ecuadorian Social Security
Institute: Towards a restructuring of its highest
governing body?
La gobernanza del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad
Social: ¿Hacia una reestructuración de su máximo
órgano de gobierno?
Patricia Elizabeth Borja Laverde
Independent Legal Researcher
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Original article (research)
RFJ, No. 9, 2021, pp. 241-289, ISSN: 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: The composition of the IESS Board of Directors
is tripartite. In 2016, the Constitutional Court declared the
deferred unconstitutionality of the second and third paragraphs
of article 28 of the Social Security Law, until the National
Assembly approves legal reform to ensure the constitutional
rights of equality and participation for the integration of this
body. As of 2018, by decision of the General Controller of
the State, the IESS Board of Directors had only two members.
In 2020, by decision of the Court, the Board of Directors has
once again a tripartite structure. Therefore, this paper aims
to analyze the current structure of the Board of Directors and
other factors around the governance of the highest governing
body of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute.
KEY WORDS: Ecuador, social security, government, law
RESUMEN: La conformación del Consejo Directivo del IESS
es tripartita. Sin embargo, en 2016, la Corte Constitucional
declaró la inconstitucionalidad diferida de los incisos segundo
y tercero del artículo 28 de la Ley de Seguridad Social, hasta que
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi9.308
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Borja, P. The governance of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute
la Asamblea Nacional apruebe la reforma legal que garantice los
derechos constitucionales de igualdad y participación para la
integración de este órgano. A partir del 2018, por decisión de
la Contraloría General del Estado, el Consejo Directivo del IESS
únicamente contó con dos miembros. En 2020, por decisión del
órgano jurisdiccional, el Consejo Directivo ha vuelto a tener una
estructura tripartita. Por tanto, el presente documento tiene la
finalidad de analizar la estructura actual del Consejo Directivo
y otros factores en torno a la gobernanza del máximo órgano de
gobierno del Instituto Ecuatoriano de Seguridad Social.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Ecuador, Seguridad social, gobierno,
reforma jurídica.
Social security is an economic, social and cultural
human right guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, as well as by the International Covenant on Economic,
Social and Cultural Rights. In Ecuador, the Constitution of the
Republic guarantees social security as a right of good living and,
for its protection, it has organized a public and universal social
security system, which cannot be privatized. This system is
based on the principles of the national system of inclusion and
social equity1 and for the mandatory, sufficiency, integration,
solidarity, participation2and subsidiarity (CRE, 2008). Likewise,
1 Article 340 of the Constitution of the Republic (2008) defines the national
system of inclusion and social equity as the articulated and coordinated set
of systems, institutions, policies, regulations, programs and services that
ensure the exercise, guarantee and enforceability of the rights recognized
in the Constitution and the fulfillment of the objectives of the development
regime. The system will be articulated with the National Development Plan
and the decentralized national participatory planning system; It will be
guided by the principles of universality, equality, equity, progressiveness,
interculturality, solidarity and non-discrimination; and it will work under
the criteria of quality, efficiency, effectiveness, transparency, responsibility
and participation. The system is made up of the areas of education, health,
social security, risk management, physical culture and sports, habitat and
housing, culture, communication and information, enjoyment of free time,
2 Despite the fact that article 34 of the Constitution (2008) provides that
social security will be governed by the principles of solidarity, obligation,
universality, equity, efficiency, subsidiarity, sufficiency, transparency and
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Borja, P. The governance of the Ecuadorian Social Security Institute
it will be managed based on the criteria of sustainability,
efficiency, speed and transparency (CRE, 2008).
This system’s mission is to protect the population from
contingencies through compulsory universal insurance and its
special regimes. The compulsory universal insurance has the
purpose of “covering the contingencies of sickness, motherhood,
paternity, work risks, unemployment, unemployment, old age,
disability, disability, death and those defined by law” (CRE,
2008), through a public entity called the Ecuadorian Social
Security Institute.
Similarly, the Constitution (2008) provides that “health
benefits for contingencies of illness and maternity will be
provided through the comprehensive public health network”,
and that mandatory universal insurance should be extended
to the entire urban and rural population independence of your
employment situation.
Article 370 of the Constitution of the Republic of
Ecuador (2008) provides that the Ecuadorian Institute of Social
Security (hereinafter IESS) is an autonomous entity responsible
for providing contingencies of compulsory universal insurance
to its members. In its development, article 16 of the Social
Security Law (2001) provides that the IESS is an autonomous,
decentralized public entity, with legal status, with its own assets
whose non-delegable purpose is the provision of Mandatory
General Insurance throughout the national territory, as provided
by the constitutional mandate. The autonomy of this institution
is limited to five areas: regulatory, technical, administrative,
financial, and budgetary.
participation, for the attention of individual and collective needs; Article
367 of the Constitution, when referring to the principles that guide the so-
cial security system, does not expressly include among them the principle
of participation.
This could represent, at first, a kind of ignorance or violation of this op-
timization mandate. However, this is corrected by highlighting that the
system is guided by the principles of the national system of inclusion and
social equity, which constitutes an articulated and coordinated set that en-
sures the exercise, guarantee and enforceability of the rights recognized by
the Constitution, including , the participation.

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