Justice in the Covid-19 era Through the Prism of Judicial Power

AutorVictor Gorodovenko - Oleksandr Bondar - Larysa Udovyka
CargoDoctor of Legal Science, Professor, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (Kyiv, Ukraine) - Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, 1st Vice-Rector of Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine) - Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor of Department of History and Theory of State and Law of Zaporizhzhia National University...
Revista de Derecho. Vol. 10 (I) (2021), pp. 51-72. ISSN: 1390-440X eISSN: 1390-7794
Recepción: 9-12-2001. Aceptación: 7-1-2021. Publicación electrónica: 5-2-2021
vol. 10 (I) (2021), p. 51
Victor Gorodovenko*
Oleksandr Bondar**
Larysa Udovyka***
Abstract: The work is devoted to identifying the main problems in the field
of the principle of legal proceedings in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic. The research applies the formal-legal, historical and legal,
comparative and modeling methodology. The order and issues to be
considered are as follows: in the first section, we will consider the challenges
and threats to justice that emerged during the Covid-19 pandemic. In the
second section, we will see the judicial experience during the pandemic in
the context of the basic principles of the judiciary. In the third section, we
examine the application of organizational and procedural principles of the
judiciary during the pandemic crisis. In the final fourth section, we will
assess the role of international judicial institutions and government bodies
in optimizing the administration of justice in the context of the Covid-19
pandemic. As a result of the work, emphasizing the vulnerability of the
judicial system and justice standards, the authors support the expansion of
exchange of experience and cooperation not only at the state level but also
at the level of professional communities of judges, in particular with the
members and judges of the European Commission for the Effectiveness of
* Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Judge of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine (Kyiv,
Ukraine). https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6002-4192. horodoveko@ccu.gov .ua
** Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, 1st Vice-Rector of Zaporizhzhia National University
(Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine). https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0738-1232. al_bondar @ukr.net
*** Doctor of Legal Science, Associate Professor of Department of History and Theory of
State and Law of Zaporizhzhia National University (Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine).
https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9260-4474. lora.znu@gmail.com
Victor Gorodovenko, Oleksandr Bondar & Larysa Ud ovyka
| v. 10 (I) (2021), p. 52
Justice, the Advisory Council of European Judges, and the European human
rights courts.
Keywords: Rule of Law, Access to Justice, Covid-19 Pandemic, Principles
of the Judiciary, Judicial Protection of Human Rights
Resumen: El trabajo está dedicado a identificar los principales problemas
en el campo del principio de procedimiento judicial en el contexto de la
pandemia Covid-19. La investigación usa los métodos formal legal,
histórico y legal, análisis comparativo y modelización. El orden y los temas
a considerar son los siguientes: en la primera sección, consideraremos los
desafíos y amenazas a la justicia que surgieron durante la pandemia de
Covid-19. En la segunda sección, se verá la experiencia judicial durante la
pandemia en el contexto de los principios básicos del poder judicial. En la
tercera sección, examinamos la aplicación de los principios organizativos y
procesales del poder judicial durante la crisis de la pandemia. En la cuarta
sección final, evaluaremos el papel de las instituciones judiciales
internacionales y los organismos gubernamentales en la optimización de la
administración de justicia en el contexto de la pandemia Covid-19. Como
resultado del trabajo, enfatizando la vulnerabilidad del sistema judicial y
los estándares de justicia, los autores apoyan la expansión del intercambio
de experiencias y cooperación no solo a nivel estatal sino también a nivel
de comunidades profesionales de jueces, en particular con los miembros y
jueces de la Comisión Europea para la Eficacia de la Justicia, el Consejo
Asesor de Jueces Europeos, y los tribunales europeos de derechos humanos.
Palabras clave: Estado de derecho, acceso a la justicia, pandemia Covid-
19, principios del poder judicial, protección judicial de los derechos
Summary. I. Introduction. II. Results and discussion. II.1. Challenges and Threats
to Justice during the Covid-19 Pandemic. II.2. Justice in the Context of Basic
Principles of the Judiciary. II.3. Justice in the Context of the Organizational and
Procedural Principles of the Judiciary. II.4. Ongoing Work to Streamline the
Administration of Justice in a Pandemic. III. Conclusions. References.
On March 12, 2020, the World Health Organization declared Covid-
19 a pandemic. Its spread has led to an emergency not only in the field of
public health in all countries of the world but has transformed their

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