Legal Nature and Inheritance of Virtual Property in Ukraine and the World: Current Status, Problems, Prospects

AutorIryna Davydova - Larysa Didenko - Viktoriya Tomina
CargoDoctor of Legal Science, Professor of Civil Law, Department of National University 'Odesa Law Academy' (Odesa, Ukraine) - Doctor of Legal Science, Professor at Department of Civil and Commercial Law and Procedure of the International Humanities University (Odesa, Ukraine) - Ph. D., Associate Professor at Department of Administrative Activities...
Revista de Derecho. Vol. 10 (II) (2021), pp. 1-26. ISSN: 1390-440X eISSN: 1390-7794
Recepción: 31-5-2021. Aceptación: 28-6-2021. Publicación electrónica: 26-7-2021
vol. 10 (II) (2021), p. 1
Iryna Davydova*
Larysa Didenko**
Viktoriya Tomina***
Abstract: In recent years, there has been a growing interest in such a
phenomenon as a digital inheritance. Sooner or later, users of social
networks or online games begin to think about the status of their virtual
assets, as they become valuable since users have spent a lot of time to earn
them. However, legislation on digital inheritance remains either imperfect
or does not answer the question of what happens to digital property after
ones death. The study aimed to describe the situation in the field of digital
inheritance through the concepts of virtual property and IT objects. We used
systemic, formal-legal, and hermeneutic methods to describe the state of the
art in the area of virtual property and digital inheritance through the lens of
jurisprudence. The found results suggest that digital inheritance is a growing
problem due to imperfect or absent legislation with simultaneously
* Doctor of Legal Science, Professor of Civil Law, Department of National University
“Odesa Law Academy” (Odesa, Ukraine). divo-
** Doctor of Legal Science, Professor at Department of Civil and Commercial Law and
Procedure of the International Humanities University (Odesa, Ukraine).
*** Ph. D., Associate Professor at Department of Administrative Activities of the Police of
the Faculty of Training for Preventive Activities of the Odessa State University of Internal
Affairs (Odesa, Ukraine). medea-5@ukr.n et
Iryna Davydova, Larysa Didenko & Viktoriya Tomina
| v. 10 (II) (2021), p. 2
increasing role and importance of the virtual world and digital assets in
everyday life. Accordingly, we have found that court decisions set the tone
for the development of the legislative process in this field, but at the moment,
we are only at the beginning of the creation of solid and harmonized
legislation towards digital inheritance. It is also determined that the concept
of virtual property does not contradict the general principles of civil law, so
it can be applied in the context of digital inheritance.
Keywords: Virtual Property, IT Objects, Digital Inheritance, Social
Networks, Online Games
Resumen: Durante los últimos años ha crecido el interés en la herencia
digital. Tarde o temprano, los usuarios de redes sociales o juegos en línea
comienzan a pensar en el estado de sus activos virtuales, sobre todo cuando
adquieren un gran valor luego de que los usuarios hayan dedicado mucho
tiempo a ganarlos. Sin embargo, la legislación sobre herencia digital sigue
siendo imperfecta o no responde a la pregunta de qué sucede con la
propiedad digital después de la muerte. El estudio tuvo como objetivo
describir la situación en el campo de la herencia digital a través de los
conceptos de propiedad virtual y objetos informáticos. En particular, este
estudio utiliza métodos sistémicos, formal-legales y hermenéuticos para
describir el estado del arte en el área de la propiedad virtual y la herencia
digital a través de la lente de la jurisprudencia. Los resultados encontrados
sugieren que la herencia digital es un problema creciente debido a una
legislación imperfecta o ausente, que no concuerda con el papel y la
importancia del actual mundo virtual y de los activos digitales ahí
generados. Se ha constatado que las decisiones judiciales marcan la pauta
para el desarrollo del proceso legislativo en este campo, aunque por el
momento solo estamos en el comienzo de la creación de una legislación
sólida y armonizada hacia la herencia digital. También se determina que el
concepto de propiedad virtual no contradice los principios generales del
derecho civil, que se pueden aplicar en el contexto de la herencia digital.
Palabras clave: Propiedad virtual, objetos de tecnologías de la
información, patrimonio digital, redes sociales, juegos en línea
Summary. I. Introduction. II. Methodology. III. Analysis of recent research. Iv.
Results and Discussion. III.1. Legal Nature and Inheritance of IT Objects and
Virtual Property. III.2. National Legislation of Ukraine on Virtual Property and
Digital Inheritance. III.3. International Experience of Legal Regulation of Digital
Inheritance and Virtual Property. V. Conclusions. References.

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