Nuevos retos del Derecho de Competencia frente el auge del Comercio Electrónico
Autor | Inés Gálvez Delgado - René Antonio Gálvez Delgado - |
Cargo | Independent legal researcher, - Independent legal researcher, City: Quito, Country: Ecuador |
Páginas | 73-94 |
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 73-94
Gálvez, I.; Gálvez, R. New challenges of Competition Law
New challenges of Competition Law against the
rise of Electronic Commerce
Nuevos retos del Derecho de Competencia frente el
auge del Comercio Electrónico
Inés María Gálvez Delgado
Independent legal researcher
René Antonio Gálvez Delgado
Independent legal researcher
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Original article (research note)
RFJ, No 8, 2020, pp. 73-94, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: Electronic commerce has established itself in
recent years as one of the best marketing strategies globally
for its efficiency and ability to bring producers and consumers
closer together. However, the increase in the use of digital
channels has generated a recent discussion in the legal
community regarding the implications that this fact has on
Competition Law. This note then aims to analyse the challenges
facing free competition law in the scenario of new technologies
and digital commerce. Moreover, this research note states
that there are great difficulties for Competition Law since the
consolidation of Big Tech also since these dilemmas are related
to Ecuador as a consequence of its current regulations and the
little technical expertise.
KEYWORDS: Globalisation, electronic commerce, efficiency,
market, legislation.
RESUMEN: El comercio electrónico se ha consolidado en los
últimos años como un mecanismo que promete revolucionar el
mercado en el mundo por su eficiencia y capacidad de acercar
a productores y consumidores. Sin embargo, el aumento
DOI 10.26807/rfj.v2i8.283
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 73-94
Gálvez, I.; Gálvez, R. New challenges of Competition Law
en el uso de canales digitales ha generado discusión en la
comunidad jurídica respecto a las implicancias que este hecho
puede tener sobre el Derecho de Competencia. En este orden
de ideas, esta nota de investigación introductoria tiene como
objetivo realizar un análisis acerca de los diferentes desafíos
que enfrenta el Derecho de Competencia en el escenario de
las nuevas tecnologías y el comercio electrónico a través del
análisis del contexto ecuatoriano a comparación de otras
realidades. A lo largo de las siguientes páginas se exponen una
serie de argumentos que ilustran los nuevos retos que trae la
consolidación de gigantes tecnológicos como las Big Tech en
el mercado y además se argumenta como estos dilemas se
amplifican en el contexto ecuatoriano como consecuencia de
la calidad de su regulación y la poca experticia del país en la
PALABRAS CLAVE: Globalización, comercio electrónico,
eficiencia, mercado, legislación.
Nowadays, electronic commerce has become an
innovative mechanism that offers agility and versatility when it
comes to bringing producers and consumers together through
new forms of interaction such as digital channels on web
pages, which are very useful for offering goods and services.
However, these changes in the market seem to generate a crisis
in line with those mainstream economic concepts that deserve
to be reviewed or contextualised in the current global and
technological scenario
This research note reflects and develops in a preliminary
and introductory way on a current issue such as competition
law in the face of the transfer of commercial interactions to
digital platforms. Then, an approach will be introduced about
how the law has reacted to this phenomenon and the challenges
for emerging countries such as Ecuador.
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