Los postulados filosóficos de Henri Lefebvre acerca de las propiedades del fenómeno ideológico: Hacia una teoría crítica en torno al papel de la ideología en la formulación de decisiones judiciales

AutorRamiro Andrés Urgilés Córdova
CargoIndependent Legal Researcher
Urgilés, R. Henri Lefebvre’s philosophical postulates
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
Henri Lefebvre’s philosophical postulates on the
properties of ideological phenomena: Towards
a critical theory on the role of ideology in the
formulation of judicial decisions
Los postulados filosóficos de Henri Lefebvre acerca de
las propiedades del fenómeno ideológico: Hacia una
teoría crítica en torno al papel de la ideología en la
formulación de decisiones judiciales
Ramiro Andrés Urgilés Córdova
Independent legal researcher
City: Cuenca
Country: Ecuador
Original article (analysis)
RFJ, No. 11, 2022, pp. 247 - 283, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: This research formulates an analytical-diachronic
vision of the evolution of the intellectual treatment that the
ideological phenomenon has received by philosophy, from
which it is evident that legal theories about the interaction
between ideology and law have been built on the application
of macro-philosophical systems to concrete legal problems,
because of which these proposals are insufficient or are directly
contradictory to the study of law as an autonomous object.
The intellectual obstacles can be overcome based on Henri
Lefebvre’s philosophical postulates, which make it possible to
articulate a novel critical material theory applicable to the study
of the state and legal institutions, which in turn makes it possible
to develop mechanisms for identifying the incorporation of
ideological burdens in judicial sentences.
DOI 10.26807/rfj.v11i11.325
Urgilés, R. Henri Lefebvre’s philosophical postulates
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
KEYWORDS: Philosophy, Marxism, ideology, political
philosophy, law.
RESUMEN: El presente artículo formula una visión analítico-
diacrónica de la evolución del tratamiento intelectual que el
fenómeno ideológico ha recibido por parte de la filosofía, a
partir de ello se evidencia que las teorías jurídicas acerca de
la interacción entre ideología y derecho se han construido
sobre la aplicación de sistemas macro filosóficos a problemas
jurídicos concretos, a causa de ello dichas propuestas resultan
insuficientes o son directamente contradictorias con el estudio
del Derecho como objeto autónomo. Los obstáculos intelectuales
antes mencionados pueden superarse con base en los postulados
filosóficos de Henri Lefebvre, mismos que permiten articular
una novedosa teoría material crítica, aplicable al estudio del
Estado y de las instituciones jurídicas, lo que su vez posibilita el
desarrollo de mecanismos de identificación de la incorporación
de cargas ideológicas en las sentencias judiciales.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Filosofía, marxismo, ideología, filosofía
política, derecho.
Throughout the history of thought, various hypotheses
have been put forward about the nature of the ideological
phenomenon, its implications in social processes, and the role
it plays in the life of political institutions. Despite the great
interest and the enormous amount of bibliographical work,
there is no consensus on the subject, nor has it been possible
to elaborate a coherent theory that applies to the autonomous
study of law. Concerning the current state of the matter, it is
worth considering, as Muñoz (2019) states, that the absence
of satisfactory ways of resolving the interaction between
Urgilés, R. Henri Lefebvre’s philosophical postulates
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.11 Junio 2022
ideology and law is due to a confluence of factors, including the
existence of a naïve consensus among legal philosophers about
the irrelevance of the problem, the sectarian application of
certain epistemological models that are not compatible with the
scientific study of law, and the absence of critical genealogical
explorations of existing theories.
It is precisely for this reason that, as Soto (2019)
proposes, any intellectual work that seeks to provide
contributions to ideology must start with a thorough review of
the different proposals that have been presented throughout
the ages, since the concept of ideology is directly imbricated
in the material construction of humanity and in the complex
and convoluted revolutions that have taken place within
In this line of thought, to draw a clearer idea of the
problem, I will approach in greater depth the thought of the
authors who have made contributions on the subject, for this
purpose I will carry out an initial evaluation of the evolution
of the treatment of ideology by philosophy, subsequently, I will
undertake an examination in the same sense taking as a basis
the theories elaborated within the legal sphere, from this I will
outline a critical theoretical model applicable to the analysis of
Law that will allow me to answer the questions that will unfold
throughout the study.
The relationship between theory and praxis has
received a great deal of attention from philosophers throughout
history, yet there is no agreement on the subject, and each
school of thought has established its analysis. Although the
term ideology has its origins in Greek reflections, it emerges
as a real problem in the wake of several mutations in Western

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