Preventive detention in flagrante delicto in the Metropolitan District of Quito during the second half of 2019
Autor | Cynthia Mishel Gudiño Flores |
Cargo | Independent legal researcher |
Páginas | 528-578 |
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Gudiño, C. La prisión preventiva en el delito flagrante
Preventive detention in flagrante delicto in
the Metropolitan District of Quito during the
second half of 2019
La prisión preventiva en el delito flagrante en el
Distrito Metropolitano de Quito durante el segundo
semestre de 2019
Cynthia Mishel Gudiño Flores
Independent legal researcher
City: Ibarra
Country: Ecuador
Original article (research)
RFJ, No. 9, 2021, pp. 528-578, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: Precautionary measures are mechanisms of
criminal procedural assurance established by the State in order
to protect the rights of the victim and the effectiveness of the
process. They imply strict respect for principles and normative
parameters because they constitute restrictions on the rights of
a person being prosecuted, before being recognized as guilty.
Given the complexity of the topic, in this paper has been
intended to identify the form of application of pre-trial detention
in the Flagrancy Units of Quito Metropolitan District in the
second semester of 2019. Therefore, analytical and deductive
research methods and field and documentary investigative
techniques have been used, mainly related to jurisprudence,
doctrine, legislation, interviews and files of the Flagrancy
Units. As a result, it has been concluded that the application
of pre-trial detention, in practice, does not have an exceptional
character. It is imposed indiscriminately, without respecting
the principles of proportionality nor the proper guarantees of
motivation, and it generates a reversal of the burden of proof
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi9.381
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Gudiño, C. La prisión preventiva en el delito flagrante
that directly undermines the right to legal certainty enshrined
in the Constitution.
KEY WORDS: Criminal Law, prison, criminal sanction,
precautionary measures, pre-trial detention detention.
RESUMEN: Las medidas cautelares son mecanismos de
aseguramiento procesal penal, establecidos por el Estado con la
finalidad de resguardar los derechos de la víctima y la eficacia
del proceso. Requieren del estricto respeto de principios y
parámetros normativos porque constituyen restricciones de
derechos del sujeto procesado, antes que sea reconocido como
culpable. Dada la complejidad del tema, en el presente artículo
de investigación se ha pretendido identificar la forma de
aplicación de prisión preventiva en las Unidades de Flagrancia
del Distrito Metropolitano de Quito durante el segundo
semestre de 2019. Para ello, se han utilizado los métodos de
investigación analítico y deductivo, y las técnicas investigativas
documentales y de campo, relacionadas principalmente con
jurisprudencia, doctrina, legislación, entrevistas y expedientes
de las Unidades de Flagrancia mencionadas. Como resultado,
se ha concluido que la aplicación de prisión preventiva, en la
práctica, no tiene carácter excepcional. Además, es impuesta
indistintamente sin respetar los principios de proporcionalidad
ni las debidas garantías de motivación, y genera una inversión
de la carga probatoria que menoscaba directamente el derecho
a la seguridad jurídica consagrado en la Constitución.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Derecho Penal, prisión, sanción penal,
medidas cautelares, prisión preventiva.
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Gudiño, C. La prisión preventiva en el delito flagrante
At the national level, criminal legislation provides
mechanisms aimed at ensuring the proper development of the
process and the optimal enforcement of the sentence through
the principle of immediacy. These mechanisms are known as
precautionary measures and can be of two types: personal and
real, depending on the subject or objects on which they fall,
The imposition of precautionary measures is requested
by the prosecutor to the judge, as they are mechanisms that
imply limitations of rights. They can only be ordered after a
careful analysis that leads the justice operator to order them.
Thus, at the legislative level, legal parameters authorise their
application and provide for their inadmissibility.
This research work analyses both the regulatory
background and the practical situation of applying precautionary
measures, specifically those of a personal nature, and among
them, pre-trial detention. In particular, due to its exceptional
nature, it represents the imprisonment of a person who has not
yet been recognised as guilty through a sentence issued by the
competent jurisdictional body. Given that pre-trial detention
can be ordered for any publicly actionable offence, among other
requirements, provided that it carries a custodial sentence of
more than one year, its scope of application is comprehensive.
Consequently, its study is limited to flagrante delicto, a crime
that occurs in the presence of one or more persons or is
discovered as soon as it is committed.
Whether in flagrante delicto or not, it is essential to be
clear that, normatively, personal precautionary measures other
than pre-trial detention should always be prioritised, under
Article 77, numeral 11 of the Constitution of Ecuador (CRE)
and Article 534, numeral 3 of the Comprehensive Organic
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