Reforma judicial: breves considerações sobre a Emenda Constitucional 45/2004

AutorCamile Lima Santos
CargoTribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região
Lima, C. Judicial reform
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
Judicial reform: brief considerations on
Constitutional Amendment 45/2004
Reforma judicial: breves considerações sobre a
Emenda Constitucional 45/2004
Camile Lima Santos
Tribunal Regional Federal da Primeira Região
City: Bahía
Country: Brasil
Original article (research)
RFJ, No. 9, 2021, pp. 347-363, ISSN: 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: This paper analyses the problems regarding
the efficiency in the Judicial System, showing the difficulties
in identifying that, once it has to deal with the output of the
system, studying quality and quantity. It shows the possible
reasons for the inefficiency and studies the solutions suggested
to improve the system, including some reforms in the legislation.
After, it focuses on the constitutional amendment in Brazil, no.
45\2004, that has established another demand for the appeals
to be accepted at the Supreme Court. It also questions the
utility, once most of the appeals were retained in the lower-
level courts waiting for the Supreme Court’s decision in similar
cases. It concludes that reforms to search for a more efficient
system have to study each country’s condition to adopt the best
solution for the problem.
KEYWORDS: justice, legal reform, legal norm, constitution,
political system.
ABSTRACT: Esse artigo analisa os problemas de eficiência
nos sistemas judiciais, demonstrando a dificuldade na sua
identificação, uma vez que lida com o output do sistema
judicial, que mescla qualidade e quantidade. O artigo mostra
as possíveis razões para a ineficiência e estuda soluções
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi9.392
Lima, C. Judicial reform
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.9 Junio 2021
sugeridas para melhorar o sistema, dentre elas a reforma das
legislações. Passa, então, a analisar a Emenda Constitucional
45\2004, que estabeleceu outra exigência para que os recursos
extraordinários fossem aceitos no Supremo Tribunal Federal.
Na sqeuência, questiona a utilidade da reforma, uma vez que a
maioria dos recursos foram sobrestados, esperando a decisão
final do Supremo Tribunal Federal. Conclui que as reformas para
a melhoria do sistema judicial devem estudar a particularidade
de cada país de modo a adotar a solução mais indicada para a
melhoria do sistema.
PALAVRAS-CHAVE: justiça, reforma jurídica, norma jurídica,
constituição, sistema político.
This paper will analyse the measures suggested for greater
jurisdictional efficiency because of the global judicial system’s
crisis, focusing on the general repercussion instituted by
Constitutional Amendment 45/2004.
By way of introduction, we will indicate the causes that are
doctrinally pointed out as responsible for the delay and lack of
quality of the jurisdictional provision and the various solutions
proposed, collating statistics that seek to delimit the spectrum
of actions aimed at an improvement in the system.
Next, we will make a brief study of the modification made to
the Constitution about the processing of extraordinary appeals,
citing examples and statistical data.
It can be stated that the central aspect of the crisis
that affects the jurisdiction throughout the world is precisely
the fact that the jurisdictional provision arrives late, failing to
effectively grant the holder of the right the subjective right

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