La Separación de poderes en estado de excepción (en ocasión al COVID-19 en Ecuador)

AutorCarlos Zuñiga Rendón
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.I pp. 221-247
Zuñiga, C. The separation of powers in the state of exception
The separation of powers in the state of exception
(on the occasion of COVID-19 in Ecuador)
La separación de poderes en el estado de excepción
(en ocasión al COVID-19 en Ecuador)
Carlos Adolfo Zúñiga Rendón
Independent legal researcher
Constitutional Court of Ecuador
(Advisor of constitutional judge’s office)
City: Guayaquil
Country: Ecuador
Original Article (research)
RFJ, No. 8, Vol. 1, 2020, pp. 221-247, ISSN 2588-0837
SUMMARY: The article aims to analyze the principle of
separation of powers in the Ecuadorian context of the state
of emergency, decreed due to the health emergency caused
by COVID-19. Its specific objective is to provide reasons to
consolidate this principle and an adequate understanding of it,
within a regime of exception. A brief introductory look at the
theoretical and experiential aspects of the state of exception
reveals the general suspicion of said institution. Then, from
the analysis of its defining features, its regulated nature is
deduced and conditioned by constitutional presuppositions.
Thus, the state of exception exists and operates in observance
of the principle of separation of powers. On this principle,
an analytical journey of doctrinal bases consolidates the
overcoming of its traditional notion towards a collaborative
and dialogic opening between powers. Furthermore, the
review of the minimum functions of each power of the state
during the exceptional regime shows refuted the prevalence
of one power over others. Already in the Ecuadorian context,
a review of some specific scenarios induces the ratification
of the operation of the principle of separation of powers and
constitutional jurisdiction during the state of emergency.
Finally, critical thinking is collected regarding the management
of the pandemic, from which risks and warnings for democracy
and human rights are inferred.
DOI: 10.26807/r.vi8.332
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.I pp. 221-247
Zuñiga, C. The separation of powers in the state of exception
KEYWORDS: separation of powers, state of emergency,
emergency, control of power, decision making.
RESUMEN: El artículo analiza el principio de separación de
poderes en el contexto ecuatoriano del estado de excepción,
decretado a causa de la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19. Su
objetivo concreto radica en brindar razones para consolidar a
este principio y un adecuado entendimiento del mismo, dentro
de un régimen de excepción. Una breve mirada introductoria
de aspectos teóricos y experienciales del estado de excepción,
permite evidenciar la suspicacia generalizada sobre dicha
institución. Luego, del análisis de sus rasgos definitorios, se
deduce su carácter normado y condicionado por presupuestos
constitucionales. Es así que el estado de excepción existe y
funciona en observancia al principio de separación de poderes.
Sobre este principio, un recorrido analítico de bases doctrinarias
consolida la superación de su noción tradicional hacia una
apertura colaborativa y dialógica entre poderes. Además, el
repaso de funciones mínimas de cada poder del Estado durante
el régimen excepcional, muestra refutada la prevalencia de un
poder sobre otros. Ya en el contexto ecuatoriano, de la revisión
de algunos escenarios concretos, se induce la ratificación del
funcionamiento del principio de separación de poderes y de
la jurisdicción constitucional durante el estado de excepción.
Finalmente, se recoge cierto pensamiento crítico respecto al
manejo de la pandemia, del que se infieren riesgos y advertencias
para la democracia y los derechos humanos.
PALABRAS CLAVE: separación de poderes, estado de
excepción, emergencia, control de poder, toma de decisiones
In the global context of the new coronavirus
(COVID-19), several States, including Ecuador, declared their
exceptional emergency regime in order to adopt measures
aimed mainly at mitigating its spread. Under this scenario,
the public management of the virus has been marked, mainly,
by the restriction of presence in various activities and by the
technological commitment to continue, as far as possible, the
regular performance of functions.

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