Transparency and Openness of Courts in the 21st Century. An Issue Worth Researching on
Autor | Eszter Bodnár |
Cargo | This paper is a result of my research stay in the Federal Judicial Center, Washington |
Páginas | 153-164 |
Bodnár, E. (2016). Transparency and Openness of Courts in the 21st Century. An Issue Worth Researching on. Iuris
Dictio. 18.
Transparency and Openness of Courts in the 21st Century.
An Issue Worth Researching on
Transparencia y apertura de los tribunales de justicia en el siglo 21.
Un problema que vale la pena investigar.
University Eötvös Loránd1
At rst sight, the transparency and openness of the judicial system does not seem to be a
particularly current topic. e most important international human rights documents such as
the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Covenant on Civil and Political
Rights, the European Convention on Human Rights, and the American Convention on Human
Rights guarantee due process (right to a fair trial), including the element of the right to a public
trial. In addition, trials have been public throughout previous centuries. As a consequence,
the question may be raised whether it is really necessary to deal with the transparency and
openness of courts in scientic research. In my paper, I attempt to justify this statement. First,
I present the new levels and new elements of the transparency and openness of courts opposite
the publicness of the trial. Next, I collect the new arguments for and against the transparency
and openness of courts, which arose in the 20th and 21st century. Finally, I enlist some examples
where transparency and openness mean a challenge for the courts, legislature, media or general
Courts / Judicial System / Open Justice / Transparency.
A primera vista, la transparencia y la publicidad del sistema judicial no parecen ser temas de
particular actualidad. Los textos internacionales más importantes sobre derechos humanos, tales
sobre Derechos Humanos, garantizan la tutela judicial efectiva (derecho a un juicio justo),
incluyendo el derecho a un juicio público. De hecho, los juicios han sido públicos desde
hace siglos. En consecuencia, cabe preguntarse ¿hasta qué punto es necesario tratar en una
investigación cientíca la transparencia y la accesibilidad de los tribunales? Este artículo busca
responder dicho interrogante. En este sentido, en primer lugar presento los nuevos niveles y
elementos de la transparencia y la accesibilidad de los tribunales frente a la publicidad misma
del juicio. A continuación, enumero las nuevas argumentaciones a favor y en contra de la
transparencia y la apertura al público de los tribunales, surgidas en los siglos XX y XXI. Por
último, listo algunos ejemplos en los que la transparencia y la accesibilidad presentan un reto
para los tribunales, el legislador, los medios de comunicación o el público en general.
1 This paper is a result of my research stay in the Federal Judicial Center, Washington DC in the framework of the
Visiting Foreign Judicial Fellows Program. I would like to express my thanks to Judge Jeremy Fogel and Mira
Gur-Arie for their help.
ISSN 1390 6402 / e-ISSN 2528-7834. DOI:
Received on: 07/26/2016 – Accepted on: 09//21/2016
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