Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Europea: Un Análisis desde el régimen jurí­dico de soberaní­a alimentaria en Ecuador

AutorAntonella Paredes Torres
CargoInvestigadora jurí­dica independiente,
97Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.5 Junio 2019
Tratado de Libre Comercio con la Unión Euro-
pea: Un Análisis desde el régimen jurídico de
soberanía alimentaria en Ecuador
Free Trade Agreement with the European Union: An
analysis from the legal system of food sovereignty in Ecuador
Antonella Paredes Torres52
Investigadora jurídica
Artículo Original (Investigación)
RFJ, No. 5, 2019, pp. 97-116, ISSN 2588-08 37
RESUME N: el presente artícu lo evalúa jurídicamente el contenido del
Tratado de Libre Comercio (TLC) entre Ecuador y la Unión Europea,
contrastándolo con la s normas que forma n parte del régimen jurídico
de soberanía a limentaria en Ec uador, para así determinar los i mpactos
del TLC en las leyes y polític as alimentarias del pa ís. Además, se eva-
lúan las obligaciones constitucionales del Estado respecto al desarro-
llo agroali mentario interno en el contexto del comercio internaciona l
de alimentos.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Tratado de Libre Comercio, soberanía alimentaria,
desarrol lo, comercio.
AB STR ACT: the following ar ticle analyzes the content of the Free
Trade Agreement (FTA) between Ecuador and the European Union,
contrastin g it with the rules th at are part of the Ecuadori an legal regime
of food sovereignty, in order to determine the impacts of the FTA on
the laws and food policies of t he country. Moreover, this article assess es
the constitution al obligations of the State respect t he intern alimentary
development in the context of the internat ional food commerce.
KEY WORDS: Free Trade Agreement, food sovereignty, development,
52 Lawyer and research fellow at the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Ecuador.
Founding partner of the Law Firm “Proyecta Abogados”. Attorney at the Ecuadorian
Attorney General’s Office.
98Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.5 Junio 2019
Ecuador has been ch aracterized by oper ating an economic - productive
model that tends towards the export of primary products and the
importation of industriali zed goods from developed countries. This
primar y exporting scheme has been in place since colonial times,
mainly due to the c urrent government’s lack of capacity to struc ture a
stable policy that favors product ive diversification.
The 2008 Ecuador ian Constitut ion tried to adopt new ideas to encourage
a change in the cou ntry’s economic and productive str uctures; however,
most of these have been reduced to normative statements which have,
on multiple occasions, been ignored by state agencies (Giunta, 2018).
An example of this is the concept of food sovereignty, incorporated in
Constitutiona l Article 281 as a strategic objective a nd a State obligation
to ensure that people have access to adequate, healthy and culturally
appropriate food (CRE, 2008, Ar t. 281).
This constitutional defin ition implies that food sovereignty is
mandatory in t he country and that t he State has the obligation to fu lfill
a series of responsibi lities towards this end. However, since there is
no real agreement or un iformity between the policies and nor ms that
form part of the food sovereignt y system, it has lost strength and
has not been taken into consideration in its true scope when making
significant decisions for the countr y’s future, such as ratification of
the Free Trade Agreement with t he European Union (FTA).
This ma kes sense if we consider that, throu gh this Agreement, the State
acquired international obligations i n the agro-food sector that limit
it in the fulfillment of its constitutional obligat ion to guarantee food
sovereignty, in particu lar, in regards to its responsibi lity to adopt “fiscal,
tax and tariff policies th at protect the national a gro-food and fishing
sector, to avoid dependence on food imports” (CRE, 2008, Art .281.2).
The present article thus analyzes the impacts of the FTA on the lega l
regime of food sovereignty. To do this, the first section addresses the
Agreement’s legal nat ure, components and content; the second section
explains t he essence of food sovereignty and t he configurat ion of its
legal regime in E cuador; and the third sect ion assesses the effects that
the FTA has had on food sovereignt y regulations.

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