Acceso a la justicia debido a la pandemia de Covid-19

AutorNelli Golubeva, Illia But, Pavlo Prokhorov
CargoDoctor of Legal Science, Professor, Head of Department of Civil Procedure, Professor of Civil Law Department of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine)/Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Civil Procedure of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine)/Judge of the Kyiv District Court of Odesa (Ukraine)
Revista de Derecho. Vol. 9 (II) (2020), pp. 47-64. ISSN: 1390-440X eISSN: 1390-7794
Recepción: 11-6-2020. Aceptación: 13-8-2020. Publicación electrónica: 24-8-2020
vol. 9 (II) (2020), p. 47
Nelli Golubeva*
Illia But**
Pavlo Prokhorov***
Abstract: The coronavirus pandemic (Covid-19) has caused many
challenges to democracy around the world. Under the new conditions, states
must implement effective quarantine measures, as well as take decisions that
justifiably and least restrict human rights. In this pandemic context of many
restrictions, it is important to pay attention to ensuring access to justice and
to investigate its level of security. The article aims to analyze the right of
access to justice in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, both in Ukraine
and other countries. The subject of the study is the public relations that arise
during the exercise of the right of access to justice in the pandemic context.
The research methodology includes a scope of methods, the most important
of which are the dialectical method, the analysis method, the synthesis
method, the comparative method, the induction method, and the deduction
method. As a result of the study, an analysis of the right of access to justice
in the context of Covid-19 has been made. The main conclusion of this study
is that the Covid-19 pandemic has clearly shown that the transition to online
technology and other innovations in the judiciary has so far been too slow.
* Doctor of Legal Science, Professor, Head of Department of Civil Procedure, Professor of
Civil Law Departmen t of National University «Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine). ORCID
** Ph. D., Associate Professor of Department of Civil Procedure of National University
«Odesa Law Academy» (Ukraine). ORCID 0000-0001-7887-3504.
*** Judge of the Kyiv District Court of Odesa (Ukraine). ORCID 0000-0003-2504-0386.
Nelli Golubeva, Illia But & Pavlo Prokhorov
| v. 9 (II) (2019), p. 48
On the other hand, in the context of ensuring access to justice the pandemic
has become a kind of trigger for the rapid development and implementation
of the latest innovative technologies in the field of access to justice.
Keywords: Access to Justice, Rights and Freedoms, Quarantine
Restrictions, Covid-19, Judicial Protection
Resumen: La pandemia de coronavirus (Covid-19) ha causado muchos
desafíos a la democracia en todo el mundo. Bajo las nuevas condiciones los
estados deben implementar medidas de cuarentena efectivas, así como
también tomar decisiones razonables que restrinjan lo menos posible los
derechos humanos. En el contexto de la pandemia conviene analizar cómo
garantizar el acceso a la justicia con las seguridades del caso. El artículo
tiene como objetivo analizar el acceso a la justicia en el contexto de la
pandemia, tanto en Ucrania como en otros países del mundo. El tema del
estudio son las relaciones públicas que surgen durante el ejercicio del
derecho de acceso a la justicia en este contexto de la pandemia. La
metodología de investigación incluye una gama de métodos, los más
importantes de los cuales son el método dialéctico, el método de análisis, el
método de síntesis, el método comparativo, el método inductivo y deductivo.
Como resultado del estudio, se realizó un análisis del derecho de acceso a
la justicia en el contexto del Covid-19. La principal conclusión de este
estudio es que la pandemia ha demostrado que la transición a la tecnología
en línea y otras innovaciones en el poder judicial hasta ahora ha sido
demasiado lenta. Respecto el acceso a la justicia, la pandemia se ha
convertido en una especie de detonante para el rápido desarrollo e
implementación de las últimas tecnologías innovadoras en el campo del
acceso a la justicia.
Palabras clave: Acceso a la justicia, derechos y libertades, restricciones de
cuarentena, Covid-19, Protección Judicial
Summary. I. Introduction. II. Methodology. III. Analysis of recent research. IV.
Results and discussion. IV.1. General Provisions on Access to Justice. IV.2. Case-
Law of the European Court of Human Rights in Ensuring the Right of Access to
Justice. IV.3. Features of Ensuring the Right to Access to Justice in Ukraine. IV.4.
Foreign Experience in Providing Access to Justice in the Conditions of Covid-2019.
V. Conclusions. References.

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