Análisis económico de la propiedad intelectual: reflexiones sobre el caso ecuatoriano
Autor | Ángel Fabián Albán de Sá |
Cargo | |
Páginas | 197-221 |
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 197-221
Saá, A.; Samaniego, M. Economic analysis of Intellectual Property
Economic analysis of Intellectual Property:
Thoughts on the Ecuadorian case
Análisis económico de la propiedad intelectual:
consideraciones del Caso Ecuatoriano
Angel Fabián Albán de Saá: Head of litigation at Meythaler &
Zambrano Lawyers
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Mary Mar Samaniego Alcívar: Deputy Head of Criminal Department
at Meythaler & Zambrano Lawyers
City: Quito
Pais: Ecuador
Original article (research)
RFJ, No 8, 2020, pp. 197-221, ISSN 2588-0837
RESUMEN: El Análisis Económico del Derecho de la Propiedad
Intelectual permite comprender de mejor manera, la preferencia
a la generación de un ordenamiento jurídico que proteja los
derechos de propiedad intelectual, coma una forma de generar
incentivos sociales más eficientes para promover su creación
por cuanto permitirá al creador recuperar los costos incurridos
y obtener los beneficios esperados.
PALABRAS CLAVE: derechos de autor, norma jurídica,
monopolio, creación, derecho económico.
ABSTRACT: The Economic Analysis of Intellectual Property
Law allows us to understand better the importance of generating
a legal system that protects intellectual property rights and
generates more efficient social incentives and promote
creation. Social incentives will allow creators to recover the
costs incurred and obtain the expected benefits.
DOI 10.26807/rfj.v2i8.298
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 197-221
Saá, A.; Samaniego, M. Economic analysis of Intellectual Property
KEYWORDS: copyright, legal standard, monopoly, creation,
economic law.
Property and the right to own it began their history
from the earliest times where man sought to deny the use of
what was “his” to other men. Then, the cost of obtaining and
appropriating goods was the use of force.
Therefore, property law has its origin in the most
in-depth part of human evolution. Unfortunately, there is no
certainty about the precise way and time in which man created
the concept of property right. The only certainty now is that
all countries, regardless of their ideological tendency, maintain
different forms of property: public, private, mixed, intellectual,
collective, among others.
Undoubtedly, people’s right to property has become
one of the most helpful methods for social development since
it is regulated in different trends depending even on people’s
beliefs. There will be those societies where only men have the
right to property, not women. Moreover, let us not forget that
property rights were applied to men before the 1800s. Without
getting into greater detail, the concept of property rights itself
allows to extract the component elements of it:
1. Real Academia Española (2014) defines property as
the “right or faculty to own something and to be able to
dispose of it within legal limits; something that is subject
to the domain, especially if it is real estate or root.”
It defines industrial property as the ¨exclusive exploitation
right over trade names, trademarks, and patents, which
the law recognizes for a certain period¨ (Real Academia
Española, 2014); and intellectual property as the ¨right
of exclusive exploitation over literary or artistic works,
which the law recognizes to the author for a specified
period.” (Real Academia Española, 2014).
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