¿Es la ley de propiedad industrial un catalizador de la desigualdad? Instrumentos para un desarrollo jurídico-económico holístico

AutorRaúl Alexander Velasco Chávez
CargoIndependent legal researcher, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8895-1131
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 223-247
Velasco, R. Is industrial property law a catalyst for inequality?
Is industrial property law a catalyst for inequality?
Instruments for a holistic legal-economic
¿Es el derecho de propiedad industrial un catalizador
de la desigualdad? Instrumentos para un desarrollo
jurídico-económico holístico
Raúl Alexander Velasco Chávez
Independent legal researcher
City: Quito
Country: Ecuador
Original article (miscellany)
RFJ, No 8, 2020, pp. 223-247, ISSN 2588-0837
ABSTRACT: This note goes around the role of industrial
property. Furthermore, it shows some arguments from the
philosophical and socio-political perspective. The emerging
questions seek to discuss whether or not the casuistic analysis
determines if the Law denotes a hypotactic behaviour towards
capital or whether it would be appropriate to define the Law (of
Intellectual Property) as a new expression of capitalist servility.
KEYWORDS: Intellectual property, industry property,
capitalism, capitalist systems, market economy, politics
RESUMEN: Esta miscelánea tiene como objetivo reflexionar
entorno a las relaciones centrales entre el derecho de
propiedad industrial y el desarrollo, entendido desde una
acepción holística. En la primera sección se discuten algunas
generalidades respecto a la propiedad intelectual que serán de
gran utilidad instrumental a lo largo del escrito. En la segunda
sección se explican los recursos metodológicos empleados,
el alcance de la investigación, los usos de fuentes y las
aproximaciones cognitivas que se pretenden alcanzar. En la
DOI 10.26807/rfj.vi8.237
Revista Facultad de Jurisprudencia RFJ No.8 Dic. 2020 Vol.II pp. 223-247
Velasco, R. Is industrial property law a catalyst for inequality?
tercera sección se presenta una síntesis de los resultados a los
que se ha arribado mediante la investigación. A continuación,
se discuten los resultados presentados y se reflexiona acerca
del cumplimiento de la hipótesis. Finalmente, se esboza un
corolario y el planteamiento de nuevas interrogantes derivadas
de esta indagación preliminar.
PALABRAS CLAVE: Propiedad intelectual, propiedad
industrial, capitalismo, economía de mercado, economía de
mercado, política
“Civil law serves to rob the rich of the poor. Criminal
law serves to prevent the poor from stealing from the rich.”
This French aphorism compiled by Mayol (2017) elucidates
what authors of heterodox currents, such as Althusser (1970),
would verbalize as the subordination of the legal dimension
to the interests of the ruling class. In this sense, this research
on the role of the industrial property could be initiated by
asking: Are there new actors in the contemporary era that
pluralize and abstract the already mentioned ruling class? Can
case-law analysis determine that law has a hypotactic behavior
toward capital? Moreover, finally, would it be correct to define
Intellectual Property Law as the most natural expression of
capitalist servility?
This miscellaneous article aims to conjecture the central
relations between industrial property law and development,
understood from a holistic point of view. The first section will
discuss some generalities regarding intellectual property that
will be of great instrumental use throughout the writing. The
second section will explain the methodological resources used,
the scope of the research, the uses of sources, and the cognitive
approaches that intended to be achieved. The third section will
present a summary of the results reached through the research.
The fourth section will discuss the results presented and reflect
on the fulfillment of the hypothesis. Finally, the last section will

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