Reflexiones Acerca del Futuro del Dólar Norteamericano

AutorEddy Salgado Defranc
CargoUniversidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
In the last months of 1944, World War II was about to end and the United States had become the
undisputed world’s leading economic power. In this context, what was known today as the Bretton
Woods Conference was installed. In this Conference, the International Monetary Fund and the World
Bank were created, and the US proposal to convert the dollar into currency world was accepted.
After the signature of the agreement, it is attributed to Charles de Gaulle (future president of France) the
phrase that the United States could buy the world with papers. For this not to happen, the United States
pledged to exchange their dollars for gold at a rate of $ 35 a troy ounce. at is, when some Central Bank
of the world had hoarded dollars, it could approach the Federal Reserve Bank and exchange these for gold.
However, the US was losing its reserves in gold, reason why in 1971 it only could answer for the 17%
of the dollars that were circulating in the world. In these circumstances, President Richard Nixon, on
August 15 of that year, declared the dollar’s inconvertibility in gold. Since that date, the dollar has
become a fully duciary currency (depends on the dollar’s condence) and many authors now agree that
the greatest support of the US dollar is actually the US war capacity.
Keywords: Bretton Woods, Richard Nixon, Charles de Gaulle, John Maynard Keynes, reserve currency.
rEflExionEs acErca dEl futuro
dEl dólar nortEamEricano
reflectionS about the future
of the north aMerican dollar
El comportamiento de la balanza comercial es un elemento fundamental en la toma de decisiones
económicas, nancieras y sociales de los países; por lo tanto, se hace necesario tomar en consideración
su comportamiento. Es por ello que en el presente estudio se exhiben los resultados obtenidos en la
balanza comercial del Ecuador, todo esto con la nalidad de identicar el comportamiento de la balanza
comercial en el país en estos últimos cinco años e identicar el porcentaje de participación de la balanza
comercial respecto del Producto Interno Bruto en el Ecuador y el crecimiento tanto del PIB como de
la balanza comercial.
Palabras clave: Bretton Woods, Richard Nixon, Charles de Gaulle, John Maynar Keynes, moneda de reserva.
Universidad Tecnológica Equinoccial
Correo electrónico:
Fecha de recepción
: 07/11/2016
Fecha de aceptación
: 16/12/2016

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