The effects of marriage and divorce on women's nationality in Iranian law

AutorMohsen Hashemi Nasab Zavareh
CargoLawyer and Member of Iran Central Bar Association, Master of Laws in International Trade Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Master of Laws in Intellectual Property Law, Allameh Tabataba'I, Tehran, Iran. .
Revista de Derecho. Vol. 11 (II) (2022), pp. 80-96. ISSN: 1390-440X eISSN: 1390-7794
Recepción: 31-8-2022. Aceptación: 31-10-2022. Publicación electrónica: 31-12-2022
vol. 11 (II) (2022), p. 80
Seyed Mohsen Hashemi Nasab Zavareh*
Abstract: Family as the first and foremost social institution greatly impacts
its immediate larger society. Also, the importance of family as a key figure
in a healthy society, and the necessity of strong relations between spouses
make it imperative to devise required legal devices. As women are prone to
suffer and receive more damage in cases of family breakdown, the legislator
should develop and establish more protective statutes in respect to the rights
of women. In order to protect the rights of Iranian women, the legislator
makes a distinction between the cases where an Iranian woman marries a
foreign man, and those where Iranian men marry foreign women. In the
former case, wife's change, or retention, of nationality is subject to the laws
of the husband’s State while in the latter case the legislator enforces the unity
of nationality principle. Marriage between Iranian women and foreign men
causes women to experience a number of changes and limitations in terms
of their national and inheritance rights. Also, they may lose their Iranian
nationality as a consequence of their marriage in cases when the
husband’s nationality, due to the law of the husband's State, is forced upon
wife. On the other hand, foreign women married to Iranian men, though
being forced to accept Iranian nationality, encounter less limitations
resulting from marriage. Upon divorce, they are neither forced to accept a
nationality, in contrast to the time when marriage is celebrated, nor denied
* Lawyer and Member of Iran Central Bar Association, Master of Laws in International
Trade Law, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran. Master of Laws in Intellectual Property
Law, Allameh Tabataba’I, Tehran, Iran. .
The effects of marriage and divorce on women's nationality in Iranian law
| v. 11 (II) (2022), p. 81
their Iranian nationality. Thereby, they can choose whether to remain an
Iranian national or recover their original nationality.
Keywords: Marriage, Iranian women, Foreign Women, Iranian Men,
Foreign Men, Nationality
Resumen: Este artículo presenta el papel de algunas fuentes intrínsecas en
la interpretación jurídica. Algunas de las ayudas lingüísticas se derivan de
las disposiciones de la ley y otras de la práctica normativa comúnmente
aceptada o de las opiniones expresadas en la literatura. La posición de esas
ayudas se verificó mediante el análisis de la jurisprudencia, la literatura y
las disposiciones legales. La primera y la segunda sección se centran en la
prioridad de la regla de sentido llano y las fuentes intrínsecas en la
interpretación, lo que se enfatiza fuertemente en la literatura jurídica, la
jurisprudencia y las disposiciones interpretativas de muchos países. A
continuación, presenta cómo funcionan determinadas herramientas
lingüísticas en la práctica de la jurisprudencia, qué problemas pueden
causar y resolver. El tercer punto aborda el uso de diccionarios como
herramientas de interpretación lingüística. La cuarta sección explora el
papel de los cánones interpretativos seleccionados que a menudo se
encuentran en las regulaciones legales y la práctica de la jurisprudencia:
canon de significado ordinario, canon de género/número, canon ejusdem
generis, presunción de uso consistente y canon de materiales preliminares.
Se concluye que la prioridad de una interpretación lingüística no es
absoluta y nunca puede entenderse como su exclusividad. Las herramientas
lingüísticas no son en sí mismas determinantes del significado correcto.
Para hacer una interpretación correcta, es necesario no guiarse por
indicaciones etiquetadas como objetivas, a veces impuestas artificialmente,
sino por la intención del legislador, que tales herramientas puedan
descubrir y sólo deben ser utilizadas para tal fin.
Palabras clave: Diccionarios, Recursos interpretativos, Ayudas intrínsecas,
Ley de interpretación, Cánones lingüísticos
Summary. I. Introduction. II. Effects of marriage between iranian women and
foreign men. II.1 Two statuory periods.. II.1.1. The First Period (Imposition of
Nationality Period). II.1.2. The Second Period (Period of Relative Independence of
Nationality). II.1.3. Current State Affairs. II.1.3.1. Effects of Marriage between
Iranian Women and Foreign Men in the Current Situation. III. Effects of marriage
between foreign women and iranian men. IV. Conclusions. References

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